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masakunの日記: OS/2版MozillaがTier-3 platformsの扱いになる

日記 by masakun

Supported build configurations - MDC(Mozilla Developer Center)

Tier-2 platforms are actively maintained by port maintainers, but breakage in these platforms does not close the tree. Developers who break these platforms should work with port maintainers to fix any problems, and may need to back out if a solution cannot eventually be found:

  • Linux/x86-64 — maintained by Benjamin Smedberg
  • OpenSolaris/x86&SPARC-maintained by Simon.Jin Ginn.Chen
  • Maemo Linux/ARM — maintained by Stuart Parmenter
  • Windows CE — maintained by Brad Lassey
  • OS/2 (gcc) — maintained by Rich Walsh, Dave Yeo, Walter Meinl, and Peter Weilbacher
  • win32/x86 (mingw gcc) — maintained by Chris Seawood (some features are disabled because they require MS COM or the w32api project doesn't expose the necessary Windows APIs)

Tier-3 platforms are those platforms which generally are not actively worked on by the main developers of the project but have fixes contributed by third parties. Tier 3 platforms are:


Tier-3 platforms have a maintainer or community which attempt to keep the platform working. These platforms may or may not work at any time, and often have little test coverage:

  • Linux on various CPU architectures — maintained by Linux distributions
  • OpenSolaris/x86&SPARC-maintained by Simon.Jin Ginn.Chen
  • OS/2 (gcc) — maintained by Rich Walsh, Dave Yeo, Walter Meinl, and Peter Weilbacher
  • aix 4.3 (aCC)
  • freebsd (gcc)
  • netbsd (gcc)
  • ps2linux (gcc)
  • bsdi 4.x (gcc)
  • hpux 10.x,11.x (HP cc)
  • irix 6.x/gcc (gcc/MIPSpro)
  • osf1 5.x (Compaq cc)
  • Darwin/X11 — maintained by Jeremy Huddleston
  • win32/x86 (mingw gcc) — maintained by Chris Seawood (some features are disabled because they require MS COM or the w32api project doesn't expose the necessary Windows APIs)

「めも:mozillaプロジェクトにおけるマイナープラットフォームの位置づけ、的な」というsava 氏のつぶやきとは裏腹に、Tier-3 の定義づけも変わっているので現状をよく表していると思う。

ちなみに Tier-3 でもリストされていないプラットフォームは、mozilla.org 的に死亡が確認されたプロジェクトってことでいいのかな。BeOS port とか・・・

この議論は、masakun (31656)によって テキ禁止として作成されたが、今となっては 新たにコメントを付けることはできません。

吾輩はリファレンスである。名前はまだ無い -- perlの中の人
