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yasuokaの日記: 国際速記者会議とタッチタイピング

日記 by yasuoka
New York State Libraryで19世紀の速記雑誌を漁っていたところ、1881年9月1~2日にシカゴで開催されたInternational Convention of Shorthand Writers of the United States and Canadaの議事録に、Theodore Cuyler Roseの以下の発言を見つけた(pp.38-39)。

I would say that in the past week I was in the office of Walsh & Ford, in Grand Rapids, and that a young man in their office, on a test, wrote ninety-seven words on the type-writer, and read the copy. He didn't look at the machine, at all, but kept his eye on the copy. I know he wrote ninety-seven words in a minute, because I held the watch.

ビンゴ。1881年にグランド・ラピッズの法律事務所に働いてて、しかも毎分97ワードでタッチタイピングできた若者なんて、どう考えてもFrank Edward McGurrinしかいないじゃん。しかも、翌年の1882年8月31日~9月1日にシンシナティで開催されたInternational Congress of Shorthand Writersの議事録には、Elizabeth Margaret Vater Longleyのこんな講演があった(p.15)。

I have seen a person write with the two index fingers, using them for both printing and spacing, but such an one would not expect to get a position as type-writing clerk. As well might a person expect to be a successful pianist or organ player while using but two or three fingers of each hand, as expect to be a successful type-writer operator while using only a part of the fingers to strike the keys of the instrument; and who would expect to attain any great degree of success as a pianist or organist unless all the fingers and the thumbs were brought into use? With only a part of them engaged, the time lost in carrying the hands back and forth over the key-board to strike the different keys, as is necessary in such a case, is very considerable. But by utilizing all the fingers and thumbs, there need be almost no loss of time. If the hands are held over the key-board, the fingers will reach to the extreme right and left, and each be in position to do duty, and the thumb will be in readiness to strike the space-bar.

ダブルビンゴ。「全指タイピングのススメ」の中でも、たぶん最も古いバージョンだ。つまりElizabeth Margaret Vater Longleyは、Frank Edward McGurrinのタッチタイピングの噂を(たぶんMcGurrinという名すら知らずに)聞きつけてから、全指タイピングを編み出した、ということになる。

ただ問題は、1881年シカゴ会議の出席者の中に、Elizabeth Margaret Vater Longleyの名前がないことだ。息子のLeonel Anzuletta Longleyは、両方でずっとExecutive Committeeをやってるので、息子を経由してっていうパターンだろうか?

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海軍に入るくらいなら海賊になった方がいい -- Steven Paul Jobs
